Meaning of Copper: For northwest coast First Nations, copper has been significant since time immemorial. Copper shields are presented during potlatches and feasts to commemorate important events, honour individuals, and conduct clan business. Copper shields are considered a symbol of wealth.
Wearing copper is believed to ease headaches and joint pain. Copper has anti-microbial properties and helps to regulate the thyroid and regenerate bone. Copper is considered a symbol of wealth by the Haida and northwest coast Indigenous cultures.
Material: Copper
Variation: Please expect minor variation in the beads and copper patina compared to the photo and minor variations in length and bead size.
I keep this necklace near my work station. Moving the beads through my fingers helps improve focus and concentration during long web meetings.
The copper beads are a must have for any fall/winter look. They add a beautiful organic element that is warm and welcoming. The copper beads are unique and a great discussion starter.