We’re thrilled to announce that Crystal Cabin Gallery has been selected as a
Top Finalist for the Small or Medium-Sized Business of the Year Award by the
Tourism Industry Association of Canada. This prestigious recognition celebrates the best and brightest in Canada’s tourism industry.
The awards ceremony takes place on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, BC. We are excited to celebrate with Canada’s tourism community and continue our mission to create international recognition for the incredible artists we represent. Haw'aa, t
hank you, to all who support Crystal Cabin Gallery and make this journey possible.
November 08, 2024
This is a well deserved honor. I have continually been so very impressed with the hard work of Crystal Cabin Gallery to not only support Haida Artists, but also to EDUCATE those who visit online.This is powerful. The Gallery goes beyond this, and has created a “Tool” Fund, to help Haida Artists, as they often do not have the means to purchase particular tools. I have given, humbly [as I am on a fixed income] and find it a RARE thing for a Gallery to do, but that is Crystal Cabin Gallery. They go above and beyond to support the Haida Artists of their Community. While I cannot afford to travel at this time, I would if I have the means. I hope they win!!.